Thursday 26 January 2023

Sunset Drone View of 'Ground Zero'

SkEye Stream posted this colourful sunset image of what I've termed 'Ground Zero' - Cataraqui near Rideau Streets. That's where the National Grocers building, Bailey broom factory, and Woolen Mill still stand. It is perhaps the best-preserved piece of Kingston waterfront industry in continuously-occupied buildings, and I've modelled all of them on my Hanley Spur layout.

It's often so difficult to relate what I'm doing to others. Are all these buildings still standing? Well, no. Well that's a bummer. But it's okay, because on the layout, they are still standing. When David from SkEye Stream captured this image, most people who view it see 'sunset'. I see 'structures'. 

With SkEye Stream's usual generosity, I've done some photo editing to bring out the elements in the top photo that I really like.
The Whig-Standard warehouse that reached the CN Hanley Spur, but didn't reach Rideau Street. It's only accessible by a laneway. The NGB main warehouse and attached trackside extensions, then the diminutive 'Broom Factory', now office and performance space. The former Harold's Demolition scrapyard has been replaced by what was the Dave Broadfoot Parking Lot:
Some differences from this 1951 archival aerial are evident:
Just the Woolen Mill. Imagine the wooden beams that were used to build that roof!
It's always impressive to see all the windows that brought the outside in, especially important in visually inspecting the products on the looms inside during production:


  1. Hi Eric, Dave Broadfoot parking lot, as in in the fellow with Air Farce Canada?

    Love the photos, especially of the woollen mil, thanks!


  2. Hi Chris,

    Yes, Dave, Roger, Luba et al of the RCAFarce. I listened to that on CBC each weekend, often committing it to cassette tape!

    I thought the photos were too nice not to share!
    Thanks for your comment,


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