Saturday 13 August 2022

Montreal Street Remodelled

After researching the Davis Tannery, I decided it deserved a place on my HO scale Hanley Spur layout, complete with CN spur. But where? The only available real estate seemed to be where Montreal Street had previously been modelled. That streetscape included three buildings and a two-lane street leading to Rideau Street. It was perhaps scenic but added no operational possibilities. After removing the scene, I relocated trackage and added four new scenic elements, structures or operations.

At top left is the new Cohen scrapyard, served by CP. At bottom left is the Davis Tannery, served by CN as is the relocated CN Express building. In between is an ex-industry currently inhabited by some homeless folks. At bottom right is the relocated CN telegraph repeater building, and the newly-expanded Outer Station:
This black and white version shows elements of the former scene. The former CN lead is represented by the red line, with a spur serving CN Express. The street scene and structures lined the layout edge (above). Below is the best representation I found showing the former scene. The CN eight-hatch reefer is spotted at CN express, with the streetscape in the foreground. In 2020, there were still houses located here as placeholders.
A good magician doesn't reveal his tricks, and these overhead views make my layout make my layout look much smaller than low-angle trackside scenes. But I'm happy with the new space allocation, so why not?
Now to validate the new operational possibilities. Certainly the Outer Station has more room to breathe! And there is still a little four-inch square spot just past the repeater building that could be...something.

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