Wednesday 31 January 2024

From School to Plumbing and Back Again!

In an earlier post I profiled my building of the Rideau Street School/King's Town School structure. I had made a point of trying to appropriately span the decades of this still-standing school's life. This skewed the structure's guise to my modelled era circa 1970. It was constructed as a school in 1868, later becoming a commercial building before returning to its original purpose as a school in 2004.  In fact, my grandchildren attend the school and my daughter-in-law teaches there. But in 1970, it would have been a plumbing supply house, and that's what it is now, settled in on Rideau Street, sidewalk, scenery and all.
I plainly lettered the building sign and a commercial pickup truck for Warren Plumbing Supply.

Neighbourhood ladies heading to the store....and back.
Having built the structure 'on spec' for the enjoyment of family, I decided after putting that much work into it, that it deserved a permanent home on my Hanley Spur HO-scale layout. Rideau Street is definitely an area that is central to my modelling. So, even though these structures are not railway-related, they are 'core' to setting the scene, and to representing the part of Kingston I'm recreating!
This is where those ladies were heading for their groceries!

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