Friday 22 November 2019

Club Sandwiches at the Club Meeting

One thing I really like about ARK meetings is the venue - Denny's! Another thing I like is perusing the menu...or not. First choice - will it be breakfast for dinner or dinner for dinner? Very often, it's the club sandwich for me. With fries. Easy to ingest while engaging in discussion about trains and such! But what about those sandwich sticks that hold the stacked sandwichial structure together? Consigned to the kitchen scrap heap? NO!

I stacked the collected ones I brought home and decided to re-use them. My waterfront modelled locale always needs fences, so with the help of a few tools, it was fence time:

Cutting them to a near-uniform length, aligning them and adding stringers and it was time for a snack while the glue set. Sadly, my snack was not a deliciously delectable Denny's delight, only in my dreams. Painting or weathering remains, but here is the finished product sandwiched in at the end of my freight shed trackage!
What some have called environmentally-friendly or slow-modelling! Actually building stuff.

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