Thursday 11 April 2019

DuPont Car Keeps Hanging Around!

Ever since I began modelling Kingston's Hanley Spur, I was not sure how I would handle cars that were characteristically Kingston-ish but had no modelled locale on the layout. For instance, DuPont's nylon plant, which was miles away from the Outer Station on the Cataraqui Spur. At first I thought I would create a track that could 'be' DuPont. But that seemed unrealistic. But I had the to do?
Check the prototype. Online auction site photo (above, captioned 1972) and CSTM photo (below, captioned 1978) and you can see DuPont cars in both. They were regularly seen at the Outer Station yard, waiting for movement to DuPont - always there!
So I brought my DuPont car online and there it sat in my Outer Station yard. Going to the plant, someday. Then it hit doesn't really have to go. If they're perpetually seen in such photos, why can't the car just hang around? For a long time. It's so characteristic that it fits, and I can just switch around it, and it's always just...there!
So it's no wonder the car checker is scratching his head (above). He wonders why it's still in the yard. But that's OK. After awhile, I'll probably take it back offline. It'll go back to be loaded with feedstock and returned to the yard at some later date.

Just like millennials that move back home with Mom & Dad and seemingly just want to keep hanging around. Except in this case, it's OK!

***UPDATE - Will Murphy reminded me of another variation - SCLAIR covered hoppers or Hercules plastic pellet cars that would eventually wind up at Northern Telecom, four miles of the Outer Station. But that doesn't mean that they couldn't kick around the station yard for awhile! ACFX 52141, welcome to Kingston's Hanley Spur (that's my resident, under-utilized (until now)) Hercules car.

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