What struck me was the democratic demographic : vice-presidents to labourers from a variety of downtown neighbourhoods, all listed together. I've included the names below of those 21 residents on these two pages who worked in the waterfront industries.
- McCorquodale, Dugald Kingston Shipbldg foreman, 16 Market
- McCorquodale, Duncan Kingston Shipbldg dry dock supvr, 94 Bay
- McCourt, John Kstn Shipyards ship plater, 20 1/2 Earl
- McCraig, KN Candn Loco fitter
- McCue, Edward Kingston Shipbldg labourer, 359 King
- McCully, Ella Candn Loco clerk, 190 Colborne
- McDermott, Alfred Candn Loco clerk, 102 Raglan
- McDonald, Alex CNR car foreman, 537 Albert
- McDonald, Archibald Candn Loco clerk, 753 Johnson
- McDonald, Donald Candn Loco grinder, 169 Bagot
- McDonald, Eileen Candn Loco stenographer, 78 Clergy West
- McDonald, Gordon Candn Dredge & Dock, 438 King East
- McDonald, Jas Kingston Shipbldg emp, 163 Macdonnell
- McDonald, John Vice Pres & Gen Purch agent CLC, 311 University
- McDonald, Mildred Candn Loco clerk
- McDonald, Murdo Frt tracker CN, 438 Johnson
- McDonald, Saml Candn Loco insp, 56 Bay
- McDonald, WD Candn Loco inspector, 200-204 Ontario
- McDonnell, Urben Kstn Shipbldg, 497 Barrie
- McElroy, KA Candn Loco reamer
- McElwin, Clarence Candn Loco machinist, 138 King East
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